When I got the call from this Momma, I was so excited! I was about to plan a newborn twin photo session! Twins are so special! I began planning right away. I always want to know what color palette and style a momma loves. So, I began the questioning. She told me she loved my style and photography and wanted to trust my creative instincts. That was a statement that warmed my heart. Knowing I can use my creative voice to style a session makes it more fun and exciting. I persisted though, I wanted to know what she loved. Well, guess what? She loves all the same colors and styles that I do.
I opened the door to a beautiful Momma carrying her twins in two separate car seats. All the planning, anticipation, and excitement culminated as I looked into each of the newborn boy’s faces. What a precious and remarkable miracle they are!!
The Twin Photo Session Begins
The session started right away. Posing takes patience. That is something I have. A lot of it. I have learned to go slowly and carefully so that I can get hand placement and details that I wouldn’t get otherwise. I asked a dear sweet friend of mine to come and assist as four hands are way better than two when working with twins. Turns out, the momma knows my assistant! Who would have guessed THAT!?
The boys settled in nicely. I captured each of them separately first, then as both slept, I placed them both on my beanbag for those timeless and sweet pictures of them snuggled together.
I love documenting the details so you can remember. That is always in the back of my mind. What do you want to remember? I love little feet and hands, sweet tiny eyelashes, and all the adorable noses with milk spots on them! Those tiny details that go away as babies grow are the bits that I love to include. Newborn Sessions are truly special.
I was able to capture beautiful pictures of these twins. But, I also know the importance of pictures that show Momma loving her babies. I suggested wrapping her boys against her. She loved the idea. The picture turned out so beautifully! One day, when they grow up, they will look back at their pictures and see all the love and beginnings. It was a wonderful Newborn Twin Photo Session.

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