Beautiful little ginger haired newborn baby girl in the studio today!

Photography Snippets

July 10, 2019

Amelia – the sweetest little girl

Newborn Photo Session with a baby girl

Oh Spring!! No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow. This little darling just makes me anticipate Spring with all that accompanies it. The sweet smell of fragrant flowers, the sunshiny days and all the outdoor activities that I love! Bye bye winter! hello Spring!

Photography Snippets

March 8, 2019

Spring Has Sprung!

This little angel sat for only a few moments with her floral crown. Long enough for me to capture her sweet smile. If you want to create a particular look or style, just ask me!   I am excited to talk with you about a styled session. I love to be creative to create the perfect […]

Photography Snippets

January 20, 2018

Style Your Photography Session