Are you having a baby?

maternity, baby, baby on the way, newborn, photography, portrait, family

I love spring! It is always a time for newness, fresh starts and lovely weather. If you are having a baby, Spring is even more exciting. This is the most precious time in the life of a first time or seasoned Mom! I remember my own experience with such great joy. My precious girl made me a Mommy first. What a whirlwind it was. I enjoyed my pregnancey, even though I had a few complications and ended up in bed for the last trimester. Once she arrived, I was in heaven!! All the stuggles and difficulties that I may have had have faded in my memory. Sadly, so have some of the firsts. I didn’t take the opportunity to document all the newness of those first few weeks in pictures. I am forever saddened by that.

Do you know what is wonderful though? My little business is the result of that sadness! I LOVE making sure that new mommies and daddies can look back on their memories in pictures. If you are having a baby, or your baby has already arrived, Please, be sure to document the newness, the joy and the love that you have for your baby with professional pictures. The investment is worth it and so very important. Your baby will grow up and want to look back at the pictures that show how you loved her. When you look back at your pictures with your child, you will get a renewed flush of memories that you can share with the next generation. Your child will feel so deeply loved when they look back and see that you treasured their arrival so lovingly.

If you are not sure what newborn photography is all about, give me a call. I would love to chat with you and see if we are a good fit. I know how important pictures are to my grown children. I didn’t know back in the day when my babies were fresh and new. I sure don’t want you to be sad when you try to remember all the tiny details and lovliness of your new baby! Let me help you save your memories. For you and for your children and grandchildren. It is a valuable investment for sure!

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