Newborn Baby, I mean Kid, I mean Goat!

goat baby, baby goat, kid, newborn goat, animal, baby animal, portrait session, pet portrait, photography, photographer

This was such a fun day! My BFF and I went down to Lodi to visit the Spenker Family Farm! Why you may ask? Well. The baby goat season has begun and all the cute little kids are jumping and kicking up their heals. So we grabbed our cameras and gear and off we went to cuddle a bunch of babies. The day was sunny and bright and all the Momma Goats were waiting in the wings to deliver. Each weighted down with bellies about to burst. As we took pictures of the new kids, we heard a bunch of “Naaaa! Naaaa’s, so we went out to see what the ruckus was. Well, a Momma was giving birth. One then two very healthy babies were born right there for us to see. The miracle of birth is never boring…We ewwed and awwed over the new arrivals and then went back to capture more cuteness. Here is just one that I adore! Isn’t she the cutest? Pet photography can be a real challenge but in the end, who can resist this face?


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