New Trend in photographing children – Sleepy Toddler Photo Sessions!!

Did you know that there is a new trend in photographing toddlers? I saw a few images that a fellow photog posted and oh my!! I fell in love with the idea. She captured her beautiful toddler girls in sweet sleep! I thought to myself, what a treasured image if you can get it!

I figured it wouldn’t be an easy session because toddlers are not always into doing exactly what we ask, right? So, I decided to try it out with my two year old grand-daughter. She was so sweet and WANTED to pose like a newborn baby. Of course it helped a ton that she was super tired. I set everything up in my studio to promote sleep. I had soft music playing and a warm temperature in the room. The afternoon sun shone through a filtered sheer curtain for beautiful soft light. Oh, And my beanbag is soft and comfy.

I asked her to climb up onto my beanbag that I set up with a nice green backdrop and asked her to curl up and show me what it looks like to sleep like a baby. I helped her get into position and thenI stroked her beautiful little head and asked her to close her eyes. The soft music lulled her as I stroked her cheeks and forehead, she promptly fell asleep.

I knew my time was limited and I would not be able to move her into the poses after about 10 minuets so I worked quickly and captured my very first sleeping toddler images! I am so excited to share them with you! I hope you love them, and if you think your toddler would enjoy a quiet play and story time followed by a sleepy photo session in my studio, let’s talk! What a beautiful memory to have for generations to come!


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